Getting a Unique Entity ID (UEI)

Getting a Unique Entity ID (UEI)

What is a Unique Entity ID (UEI)?

  • A unique 12-character alphanumeric ID assigned by the U.S. government via the System for Award Management or SAM.GOV for free. The application takes about 15 minutes.
  • Your UEI number does not expire, so you will not need to renew it after you first receive it.

  • As of April 2022, all entities receiving federal funds via contracts, grants, loans, etc. must have a UEI


  1. Go to
  2. Look for “Register Your Entity or Get a Unique Entity ID” and click “Get Started.”
  3. Go to this link, then see pages 14 to 17 for registering instruction.

Create an Account in

  1. To sign into the organization will first need a account
  2. Click on Create an account
  3. Add Email Details to
  4. Check and Confirm Email Address in your inbox
  5. Create a Password for
  6. Accept Rules of Use
  7. Set-up Authentication for
  8. Skip for Second Authentication Method
  9. Review account info and Click Continue to NOTE: if the option to Continue to does not appear, manually go to
  10. Go to this link, then see pages 18 to 25 for step-by-step instructions.

Log In

  1. click Sign In on top right corner
  2. Enter Email address and Password to Sign in
  3. Go through the One-time code validation process which sends a six-digit code to the Mobile number on file. Enter the code and hit Submit.
  4. Review Updated Terms of Use, then hit Submit.
  5. Enter One-Time Password which sends to your email, then hit Submit.
  6. Enter profile info for and hit Submit.
  7. Skip Requested Role (Optional)
  8. Go to this link, then see pages 26 to 32 for step-by-step instructions.

Get Started in Workspace

  1. From Workspace select Get Started
  2. Click Create New Entity, then follow step by step to fill in all information about Entity
  3. Review Entity Information
  4. Validating The Entity, then you have a match from the List of Entities displayed
  5. Select I recognize my entity along with the listing that matches the legal business name and address. Then hit Next
  6. Select Yes, all details are correct. Then hit Next
  7. Enter Incorporation Information
  8. Confirm Entity Information
  9. Request Unique Entity ID
  10. Watch for an email with UEI
  11. Print a copy and file with key business documents
  12. Log into and view in workspace
  13. Go to this link, then see pages 33 to 49 for step-by-step instructions.

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